How We Help
We would like to thank you for your membership, and loyalty to our organization. Without your interest we would not have an organization.
Do you remember when moving into an affordable Mitchell-Lama neighborhood was a dream. We built our neighborhoods. Worked hard and played by the rules. For many of us that dream has turned into a nightmare.
- For the coming year, we plan to step-up our efforts, conduct workshops, and expand our outreach efforts. We cannot do this alone or without your continued generous financial support.
- During the past year, we lobbied and visited, in Albany and in our neighborhoods, congressional and legislative representatives urging that they support legislation that will enable us to keep our homes affordable and to stay in our neighborhoods.
- We filed an amicus curie (friend of the court brief), in support of the Tenants in the Stuyvesant Town/Peter Cooper Village J-51 Case, that resulted in a landmark decision by New York’s highest court that apartments in buildings receiving J-51 Tax benefits must be rent regulated.
- We have also joined other organizations as a united front to fight against privatization/buyout and for the full repeal of vacancy decontrol and for the enactment of legislation that will place all former Mitchell-Lama buildings regardless of when built, under rent stabilization.
Your generous support will enable us to continue the fight and keep you informed. Please fill out the Membership Form and return to the Mitchell-Lama Residents Coalition, PO Box 20414, New York, NY 10025.
—Executive Board
Mitchell-Lama Residents Coalition