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Mitchell-Lama Residents Coalition, Inc.

P.O. Box 20414
Park West Finance Station
NY, NY 10025
Voicemail: (212) 465-2619
Fax: (718) 792-2340

Representing the Mitchell-Lama Community

We Fight for You and Your Right to Affordable Housing!

MLRC General Membership Meeting

October 19, 2024
10:00 a.m. - noon

The agenda will include Annual Election to the Executive Board.

Any member interested in running, please email:

The meeting will be held online via Zoom. Members will be informed by regular mail.

Read the Mitchell-Lama Residents Coalition opposition to the new anti-Roberts law.

What is the Mitchell-Lama Residents Coalition?Picture of Apartment Building An organization, more than twenty years old, of residents and community members advocating for the maintenance of affordable, secure and decent housing for low, moderate and middle income New Yorkers.

We are the only Mitchell-Lama group representing both Co-ops and rental buildings in Albany, Buffalo, New York City (all five boroughs), Rochester, Syracuse and Westchester County.

We are recognized by the federal department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); New York State Department of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR); and New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) as one of the premier organizations knowledgeable of the regulations, procedures and laws governing the Mitchell-Lama program

Why the Mitchell-Lama Housing Program?
Picture of small apartment building
Forty years ago it was recognized that the private sector could not build housing for the low, moderate and middle income population - without government-provided financial assistance in the form of land acquisition, low-cost mortgages, tax abatements and other incentives.

In 1955, Governor Averell Harriman signed into law a bill sponsored by Senator MacNeil Mitchell and Assemblyman Alfred Lama to encourage and promote the building of affordable housing, both rental and cooperative.

Who Are the Mitchell-Lama Residents?
Picture of people stick figures
The Mitchell-Lama housing program is the largest and most successful program in the United States, with more than 400,000 New York State residents.

The residents are teachers, postal workers, construction workers, police officers, municipal workers, secretaries, students and homemakers from many ethnic and cultural backgrounds.